Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday Tell-All

*I almost forgot I decided to make this a weekly thing. I have a feeling this one will be rather short because I'm typing it on my phone.

* Which is a GIANT pain, in case you were wondering.

*I am currently re-reading the book Little Men. I must say it is positively delightful. I love Louisa
May Alcott's writing style.

*So you know those things on Facebook that say "like" our page and share this post and you could win a.....? Well, it turns out it actually works, because I won a bike trainer!!!!! This thing is top notch and worth a few hundred dollars and I got it for FREE. Stoked!

*My official 6 month training plan for my Ironman starts next week. Yeesh...I'm excited and nervous and a whole jumble of emotions really. Definitely my biggest racing endeavor thus far.

*Is it just me or is January one of the hardest months of the year to get through? My birthday happens to be in Jan. but I still am not particularly fond of it.

*To end on a positive note, I'm headed to a warm cozy cabin in Big Sky, MT next weekend with a bunch of friends. It should be full of fun and adventure, so that's one thing to look forward to.

1 comment:

Torrie said...

In response to your comment on my blog, it's funny that you should mention Little Women--I've read the abridged version a couple of times, but I don't think I've ever read the unabridged version all the way through (but I got awfully close). I say that it's funny because I was literally just thinking the other day that I should give the unabridged version another try.

Thanks for the recommendation!