Sometimes you are bored. And sometimes it's too cold to go outside. :)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Lessons Learned
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never the same."
Throughout my life, I have had quite a few amazing people come into my presence that have left a lasting impression on me. I have learned so much from them and they have helped me to become the person that I am today. Below are just a few (although there could be many, many more) of the incredible individuals in my life that I am so grateful for.

Jennifer Lauren Vance (Hoover)
Well, where to start with this amazing girl? I suppose the beginning is appropriate. The very first time I met Jenn, she was under her bed in our room crying. For those that know me, I rarely cry and I'm terrible at the whole consoling thing. I simply don't know what to do. Plus, I am pretty shy at first, so I was at a complete loss on how to approach the situation. In the end, I just crawled under that bed with her, put my arm on her shoulder, and introduced myself. We've been best friends ever since.

Melissa Andersen (Coates)

Laurel Petersen (Vance)

Grandma Geneal

Wonder woman. Those are the two words I would use to describe my mom. She's my hero and the best compliment I ever get is when people tell me I am just like her. She's my best bud and my biggest fan and most of the things I have accomplished in life are directly because of her encouragement and faith in me.
Throughout my life, I have had quite a few amazing people come into my presence that have left a lasting impression on me. I have learned so much from them and they have helped me to become the person that I am today. Below are just a few (although there could be many, many more) of the incredible individuals in my life that I am so grateful for.

Jennifer Lauren Vance (Hoover)
Well, where to start with this amazing girl? I suppose the beginning is appropriate. The very first time I met Jenn, she was under her bed in our room crying. For those that know me, I rarely cry and I'm terrible at the whole consoling thing. I simply don't know what to do. Plus, I am pretty shy at first, so I was at a complete loss on how to approach the situation. In the end, I just crawled under that bed with her, put my arm on her shoulder, and introduced myself. We've been best friends ever since.
I've never met someone so much like me and yet so opposite at the same time. One of the things I love best about Jennifer is I can just be me. She accepts me exactly the way I am. She has seen the best in me, the worst in me, and everything in between, yet she still loves me. She is the best example of a Christian I have ever met. Her faith and testimony just blow me away. She has been in the LDS church for just a few short years, but her insight and wisdom are astounding. Her life has definitely not been easy, reminiscent of Job sometimes, but she pulls out of every trial stronger, wiser, and a better person. I have a lot to learn from this incredible girl.
Also, I need to mention her Southern accent is absolutely endearing. I could listen to her talk for hours. Thanks to her, I have been able to experience the magic of the Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Jasper, AR. If you've never been to Ozark country, you're sure missing out! It's breathtaking and the ranch is just awesome! Horseback riding, rockclimbing, ziplines, shooting, canoe rides, and amazing Southern cookin'.
Jennifer is my best friend. We have been through thick and thin together and gone on countless phenomenal adventures. What an absolute blessing this Southern gal has been in my life. Don't know where I'd be without her!
What started out as me trying to be a 'good Samaritan' and befriend the girl that had just moved in from Lehi, turned into me getting the better end of the deal by far! As if she even needed my help. Allison is a vivacious, out-going, talented, and just all-around incredible girl. And boy, can that girl sing! What an amazing voice. I could listen to her sing for hours and never tire of it. Wow.
Allison is my best friend and a constant inspiration to me. She always challenged me to be better and try new things. Madrigals, for instance, comes to mind. Who ever would have thought I would be in a choir?? Not me, that's for sure. Although I still maintain I can't sing, I must admit Mads was one of my favorite high school experiences. Also, she is the one that gave a start to my 'distance' running career. She had her work cut out for her too! I may have complained just a little about those early morning runs. ;) However, due to her...encouragement...I ran my very first official 5k. And now look at me-two marathons under my belt and a whole bunch of triathlons that do indeed involve a lot of running. Thanks Al!
Ooh! Also definitely worth mentioning is that Al was the inspiration behind the famous 'birthday week.' One of my absolute favorite things to do ever. You see, why celebrate just one day, when you can have an entire week dedicated for fun and merriment? Planning those things was entirely too much fun. In addition, I had some pretty amazing Lyndsey Weeks thanks to her.
Allison's house was essentially an extension of my house and I loved being there. Every once in awhile I would get to participate in their Family Home Evenings and to me, it was the best thing ever. I never had that growing up and it was so great to be able to feel the spirit. It defnitely served as a model of what I want when I finally have a family of my own.
Allison has saved me in numerous ways and I am so grateful to have her as a friend. She's there for me whenever I need her. She has taught and is continuing to teach me so many great things. She is such a great mom! Not to mention she has two of the most adorable little girls I have ever seen!

Melissa Andersen (Coates)
Hahaha, the Tickle Me Elmo twins strike again! Melissa definitely taught me how to laugh. And act ridiculous. And downright crazy. I learned that life is for laughing and not to take myself so seriously.
We first became great friends at a ridiculously early hour while practicing basketball. We got to know each other better and better through soccer and track as well. I was always in awe at how FAST that girl was. Speedy Gonzales doesn't even cover it. :) Not to mention, she was the state CHAMP in the long jump. So talented! She also helped bring out the talent in others. During soccer, we did a timed 2 mile run. I've never been good at 'distance' running and I have asthma to further complicate things, so I was always one of the last ones to finish. One day, she decided she was going to help me and she challenged me to stick with her for the run. I just laughed, but she fell in stride with me and all but grabbed my jersey and pulled me around that track. By the end, I thought I was gonna die, but I improved my time by almost 10 minutes! Boy did that feel great! (After I could get oxygen again.) ;) She has always pushed me to be my best. What a wonderful blessing to have her as a friend.
I am so glad Melis and I have kept in touch through the years. I love catching up and talking to her about everything and nothing all at the same time. Serious discussions, Pinky and the Brain world domination type discussions...anything goes. Also, it is so refreshing to see a positive example of marriage and family. She is always telling me the cute things Curt does for her and the crazy antics of Matthew. And little Hailey is just adorable. I love it!
Laurel Petersen (Vance)
Well, Laurel is just about the coolest person I have ever met. She's also the reason I am a soccer chick. :) When I needed a friend and an example she was there for me.
My freshman year was a pretty rough one for me and she showed me that living the gospel and sticking up for your beliefs is what makes you truly happy. I don't think she knows how profound of an impact she had on me, but she is a big reason behind me gaining a testimony of my own. When I was drowning, she was the hand that pulled me out of the water.
I just love this girl! She is a rockstar.
Grandma Geneal
Despite this woman's best efforts, I never did come to love ruffles, lace, and dolls as she had so fervently hoped for. I was always the t-shirt, mud pie, Tonka truck kind of girl. Just like my mom. :) However, not all of her lessons were lost on me. Any touch of refinement I possess is most likely attributable to her. Thanks to my Grandma Geneal, I can properly set a table, dress well (when I have to ;) and entertain guests. I also know that it is NOT ok to put the bottle of ranch, ketchup, or any other condiment directly on the table. All of that should go in its own pretty dish. Also, pots or pans never go on the table either. They have serving dishes for that. Instant death comes to any who tries to put the ranch bottle right on the table. :)
My grandma is the very definition of a lady, but she also knows how to have fun! Interesting fact: My grandma used to drag race! How awesome is that!? Her house is always spotless, but if floury handprints get all over the counter while making cookies or a few blankets get thrown over the furniture to make a fort, it's all just part of the fun. I have so many incredible memories with her that it would be impossible to list them all. Burying the needle on the speedometer of her red Mustang, going to the circus, making popcorn and watching old movies, Easter egg hunts...along with about a thousand other adventures. My grandma always says yes when she can and she made sure I was exposed to some of the finer things in life. And all the fun things too. Just a few weeks ago she took me to Lagoon...and yes, she rode the rollercoaster and other rides with me! What a blast!!
Wonder woman. Those are the two words I would use to describe my mom. She's my hero and the best compliment I ever get is when people tell me I am just like her. She's my best bud and my biggest fan and most of the things I have accomplished in life are directly because of her encouragement and faith in me.
She has always trusted me and let me go out there and try anything I wanted. If I accomplished something, she was there cheering me on; if I came up a little short, she was there to pick up the pieces and tell me I'd get it the next time around.
Tenacity, ambition, hard work, spunk, athletic, beautiful...the list of adjectives could go on for miles. My mama has taught me so many things. Everything from how to change a tire, to how to play basketball, to how to make the most delicious cheesecake on the planet, to...well, just about everything. Although, don't have her help you with your poetry homework. On second It's highly entertaining. And sometimes slightly inappropriate. :)
My mom has always let me tag along on fun expeditions and some of my favorite memories are road trips with my mama to see Reba. We have been everywhere from Atlanta, Georgia to Merritt, Canada to see her. She took me to my first Reba concert when I was three and I've been hooked ever since. I also love getting to do triathlons with her. And dang it! She kicks my butt every time. One of these days I'll catch her. I can't wait for July 31 when I will get to watch her do an Ironman! 140.6 miles in under 17 hours. Just incredible! Whenever she sets her mind to something, she goes out and does it. No questions asked. What an amazing example I have to follow.
My mom has had some huge trials in her life and she always comes out of them with faith and determination. What an amazing woman!! If I turn out to be half as great as she is, I will count myself extremely lucky.
Hunting, fishing, camping, how to shoot a gun, snowmobiling...all awesome things my dad has taught me about. One of my great childhood memories is camping up Blacksmith Fork Canyon. I always felt special when I got to go hiking/hunting with my dad and Grandpa Reed. We would hike around for what seemed like hundreds of miles to my short little legs, but I would never complain because I wanted to be able to go again. I remember thinking my dad was the smartest guy ever when he would tell me how to find deer or elk and sure enough, we always seemed to see some.
I remember the first time my dad let me shoot a gun. I felt so big and important! Hahaha. I hit the target and he called me 'little Lyndsey Oakley.' I remember practicing for hours with that BB gun, all tin cans and anything that looked like a good target fell victim, just so he would call me Lyndsey Oakley again. Even though I was 'just a girl,' I wanted to make him proud.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Free hammocks and free food. Sweet!
A few days ago we had a stake activity. Well, it isn't technically my stake anymore, but Sofi was in charge and she said I had to come, so I did. Plus, there was free food. No need to say anymore than that. :)
Jennifer, Scott, Cullen, and I all went and ate our free dinner and candy. The activity was a 'jam session' so after eating we sat down to watch the 'bands' compete. Some of them were pretty darn good. During the activity there were raffle drawings and.....I won the first drawing! It was great and only mildly embarassing what with Sofi telling everyone there about the time I wore my birthday suit for my birthday. (No, I was NOT naked. Pics are on Facebook. ;)
At any rate, I got a hammock! I can't wait to test it out. I think its maiden voyage needs to be out in the woods somewhere.
Lady Luck was really with us that night. Cullen won...although he got jipped. He had to pick a date for another guy. Then Jennifer won. And of course she got the dartboard because she thought Scott would like that best. Then Scott won! He grabbed a journal, because he knew that was what Jennifer really wanted. Those two are so cute it makes me sick sometimes! ;) One of these days I'll find me a guy that picks out his raffle prize based on what I would like. One of these days...
We made out like bandits that night! Free stuff all around. I'm so grateful for church activities. Definitely a blessing for a poor kid like me. haha. Despite what this post may sound like, it's not just the free stuff though. It's being spiritually uplifted. It's being around great friends and great company. And it's about coming closer to Christ. I love the church! :D
Jennifer, Scott, Cullen, and I all went and ate our free dinner and candy. The activity was a 'jam session' so after eating we sat down to watch the 'bands' compete. Some of them were pretty darn good. During the activity there were raffle drawings and.....I won the first drawing! It was great and only mildly embarassing what with Sofi telling everyone there about the time I wore my birthday suit for my birthday. (No, I was NOT naked. Pics are on Facebook. ;)
At any rate, I got a hammock! I can't wait to test it out. I think its maiden voyage needs to be out in the woods somewhere.
Lady Luck was really with us that night. Cullen won...although he got jipped. He had to pick a date for another guy. Then Jennifer won. And of course she got the dartboard because she thought Scott would like that best. Then Scott won! He grabbed a journal, because he knew that was what Jennifer really wanted. Those two are so cute it makes me sick sometimes! ;) One of these days I'll find me a guy that picks out his raffle prize based on what I would like. One of these days...
We made out like bandits that night! Free stuff all around. I'm so grateful for church activities. Definitely a blessing for a poor kid like me. haha. Despite what this post may sound like, it's not just the free stuff though. It's being spiritually uplifted. It's being around great friends and great company. And it's about coming closer to Christ. I love the church! :D
Monday, March 29, 2010
Tender Mercies
"But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." (1 Ne. 1:20)
In my life, I have been privileged to experience many tender mercies. Last Friday, I got to see yet another one. My friend's husband was driving in the canyon when he hit a patch of black ice. The CRV spun out of control and ended up flipping into the river. He was wet and cold, but otherwise just fine. As you can see from the pictures above, it was pretty smashed up...except for where he was. Some might call this a coincidence or a lucky break, but I know otherwise. It's like the George Strait song; God's fingerprints are everywhere if we will just slow down and take the time to look.
I am so grateful that although the car was totalled, everything turned out alright. It certainly could have been a lot worse than it was. God definitely watches over all His children and blessings can always be found, even in situations that appear to be negative.
Truly, "the Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works." (Ps. 145:9)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Birthday Bash
Of course, my birthday wouldn't be complete without Rory and Lorelai in it, so we sat down and watched a bit of Gilmore Girls while eating our cake and ice cream. Love it!
My 23rd birthday was an absolute blast!! A BIG thanks to Jennifer for making it happen and of course to my amazing mom for buying dinner and my presents. And thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes in one form or another. :)
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